Friday, January 31, 2014

The Super Bowl is Almost Here!

Alright fans, the Super Bowl is only two days away, and this year's game promises to be a great match-up between two even opponents that won't disappoint! So today we want to know: who do you think will win the Super Bowl this year?

Who Do You Hope Wins Super Bowl XLVIII?
Denver Broncos
Seattle Seahawks
I'm just rooting for a good game
I could care less, really
It's all about the commercials!
Football is the devil
What's football
make a poll

Friday, January 24, 2014

Apple's Macintosh Computer Turns 30 Today

30 years ago today, Apple released the Macintosh computer to the public, changing technology (and society) forever in the process. Now in today's world of advanced technology, where we deal with iPhones, iPads, Bluetooth, and other electronic devices on a regular basis, the Macintosh seems like an ancient relic. But one can't underestimate what a watershed moment its release was, even being hailed as a "masterpiece" at the time of its debut. So we want to know: did you ever own a Macintosh? And what electronic device could you not live without today?

Friday, January 17, 2014

How You Can Avoid Unnecessary Auto Tickets

We all recognize the notorious red and blue flashing lights that symbolize a law being broken. We may not always agree with the reasoning behind a costly ticket, but here are a few ways you can not only avoid getting an unnecessary ticket, but maybe drive a little bit safer in the process.

1. Speeding   After all, the faster you are driving, the longer it takes to react to an unexpected situation.
2. Illegal cell phone use  One 'quick' text or call causes huge distractions for any driver.
3. Following too closely and improper lane changes
Following your neighbor too closely shortens a driver's reaction time.

4. Hazardous driving If you're too busy focusing on other things (touching up your make up, finishing breakfast or cleaning a stain from your spilled coffee) it's easy to violate stop signs and lights, take part in improper lane changes, make illegal U-turns, or fail to yield.
5. Equipment violations 
The tickets can easily pile up for heavily tinted windows, burned-out headlights, broken windshields, expired tags, lack of a front license plate and loud exhaust modifications.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Interesting Facts and the Science Behind Snow

1. The world’s largest snowflake: It was reported to be 15 inches across and 8 inches thick. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, this beast of a snowflake was found at Fort Keogh, Montana on January 28, 1887.

 Disclaimer: Not the largest snowflake in the world, but it sure is pretty!

2. Snow is not white: It is actually clear and colorless. As the National Snow and Ice Data Center so eloquently put it,

“The complex structure of snow crystals results in countless tiny surfaces from which visible light is efficiently reflected. What little sunlight is absorbed by snow is absorbed uniformly over the wavelengths of visible light thus giving snow its white appearance.”

3. World record snowfall: Mt. Baker ski area in Washington State has the world record for snowfall at 1,140 inches of snow in the 1998/1999 winter season.

You could've leaped out of an airplane and landed unharmed! Don't try that at home... 

4. Six sides or bust: All snowflakes must have 6 sides otherwise they are not considered snowflakes. In a nutshell,
"The laws of electronegativity and molecular bonding between oxygen and hydrogen atoms dictate that the formation of positive and negative dipoles causes H2O to have a V-shape. Intermolecular forces between the oppositely charged ends of different particles cause them to join together in a very specific three-dimensional pattern with a six-sided symmetry."